Future Present Wellness exists to enhance your connection to your mind-body-spirit to allow more ease-flow and vitality into your life.

We offer practices such as yoga, meditation, mindfulness and manifestation to create a life that lives in flow. Meeting yourself where you are at, yoga is for everyBODY, with a little curiosity and self-compassion we can meet ourselves in the present moment and offer ourselves the gift of our innate vitality, joy, and surrender to what is. We hope to achieve this nectar from the practice off our mat, and embody this wherever we are — to exist in this world with more attention, creativity, peace and love.

Terri + Tam

Terri experienced a transformation of her own health and wellness since starting her yoga journey in 2012, and since then her curiosity of the mind-body-spirit turned into becoming a Yoga teacher in 2017,

Since becoming a mama, Terri has since learnt how to apply yoga practices into motherhood. She shares with her students how to connect with the mind-body-spirit through yoga, meditation, and self-love embodiment in her teachings.

Completed trainings:

  • 200 hrs Hatha Yoga Teacher Training, High Vibe Yoga Bali - Aug 2017.

  • 30 hrs Introduction to Elemental Vinyasa Teacher Training with Shiva Rea, Mar 2019

  • 65 hrs Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga, Bliss Baby Yoga, Jan 2022

  • Student in Vipassana Meditation and Vedic Meditation since 2013

Tam has been practicing yoga since 2012 and enjoys the self-awareness that it cultivates both on and off the mat. Yoga is a transformational journey that occurs on a daily basis. Since becoming a 200HR certified Yoga teacher in 2017, his intention for every class is to teach safely whilst keeping students aware and engaged with their body, breath, and mind.  Students can expect strong, dynamic, and balanced classes with playful, and purposeful sequences.

Go deeper with workshops based on Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga and Sound Bowl workshops

Meditation with Terri

Crystal Sound Bowls with Tam