Yoga, meditation and mindfulness practices for your journey into motherhood.

Welcome Mumma!

I’m so glad you are here…

Are you ready to awaken to your innate wellbeing for pregnancy, motherhood and beyond?

The time during pregnancy is one incredible ride, it comes with the miracle of conception, the challenges of the body changing, the health of growing a human being, hormones that are heightened, thoughts and emotions that are fluctuating in waves of intensity. Plus meeting the demands of life as it is already! Few… thankfully there is this incredible 9 months to learn, adapt and prepare for the role ahead, i.e. motherhood.

From my own direct experiences of birth (and loss), I certainly understand the importance of nourishing this journey. The intricate relationship between mother and baby are so important to continuously nurture, find solace, acceptance, ease and most importantly COMPASSION!

My intention is to remind
mothers to keep choosing love over fear .

It is my honour, to guide you through into your innate wellbeing, to connect the mind-body-spirit, for this incredible transformative journey.

6-week program in-person for all three trimesters.

Prenatal Yoga classes guiding you and your baby towards an empowered pregnancy and birth experience.

Find ease and flow along the prenatal journey and connect with body and baby.

This 6 week journey includes in-person classes plus accessible online classes to support in-home practices along the way. Whether you’re new to yoga or already have a practice, this is a safe space to build a deeper connection to your body and innate wisdom, strengthen the mind and open the the body to birth, cultivate trust and intuition, and connect with other women along this sacred journey into motherhood.

“The universe is recreated in every individual life…

Each human birth holds the promise of adventure, drama, love and loss. In the process of creation, the universal ocean of love temporarily flows in rivers of individuality seeking their return to the source.

Your baby before even being birthed from the canal, is experiencing life, perceiving and responding to subtle sounds, sensations, sights and smells from inside the mothers womb. Your interpretations of the world filter through your body to your unborn baby.”

— Deep Chopra, Magical beginnings, enchanted lives a holistic guide to pregnancy and childbirth

Receive gentle guidance

“Yoga and meditation has been my anchor along life as it unfolds.”

Terri has completed certified training programs, specialising in a variety of different practices including Hatha, Vinyasa, Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga. As a mother herself Terri’s intention is to provide guidance to connect with your inner wisdom so you can decide what feels best for your body and baby.

Make space for yourself